Thursday 8 May 2014

The Liebster Awards

Lindsay over at Newcastle Family Life recently nominated me and my wee blog, Kid And Capers to take part in the Liebster Awards. Thank you! I had never heard of the Liebster Awards before even though it seems to be all over Twitter once you do a wee search! Basically it seems to be a really fun way to get to know other bloggers a bit more. I spend so much of my free time reading through other people's blogs that its nice to find out more about them on a more personal level.
I hope that Lindsay doesn't mind me stealing the rules from her post! :-)

The rule's to the Liebster award are as follows:

  • Promote the person who has nominated you and link their blog in your post.
  • Answer the question's giving to you by your nominee, then create a new list of 11 questions for your nominees to answer.
  • Nominate your own 5-11 blog's that you feel deserve the award
  • Inform them that they have been nominated for The Liebster Award and provide a link to your post so that they can learn about it.
Here are the questions that Lindsay put to me:-

1.) Why did you start to blog?
I had read a few blogs in the past and thought I might enjoy blogging, but I always felt like I never had anything to say that people would want to read. When I fell pregnant I thought about it again but I was going through quite a lot at the time and didn't think I was in the right place. When my baby was 5 months old I decided that I was going to give it a go. I liked the idea of having somewhere to log my parenting journey. I'm also a beauty products fiend so any opportunity to blabber about that and I'm there! ;-)

2.) what gives you the inspiration to write?
I just like having my own wee "space" to talk about whatever takes my fancy. One day it might be dating as a single parent, another day it might be about the latest beauty product that I've fallen in love with.

3.) what do you love about blogging?
I love that I get to meet new people that I would never ever get to know without the blogging community. Its been very slow (and I thought it was pointless a few times) but I'm finally beginning to feel like I have a place in this wee corner of the internet. I've got to know some lovely people and look forward to reading what they're up to every week.

4.) which one place would you love to visit?
I would love to do a safari in South Africa or I would love to go back to New York again. I've been a few times and I'm totally and utterly in love with that city. Any bloggers want to go on an adventure? ;-)

5.) what do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
My absolute favourite thing in the whole world is spending time with my wee boy. He's growing way too fast for my liking but I'm so proud of him. I can't believe I created something so perfect! I also enjoying walking/hiking, cinema, comedy gigs, shopping, spending time with family/friends....not necessarily in that exact order.

6.) what is your greatest achievement in life so far?
It has to be my son. I don't think it matters what else I do in life, it will always pale in comparison.

7.) what has been your most memorable meal?
It was a meal I had in the Grand Central Oyster Bar in NYC. Everything from the location (beautiful old terminal) to the food was just divine and unforgettable.

8.) what is your favourite book?
I couldn't pick just one book. I'm firstly a bit of a Harry Potter fan but some of my other favourite are: The Help, One Day, The Colour Purple, PS I Love You, Pride And Prejudice, A Time To Kill.

9.) where do you see yourself in five years time?
I hope that I'll still be self employed and making enough out of it to save towards my little man's fortune.

10.) your most treasured possessions?
My son and anything to do with him, whether its photos, hospital bands, paintings he's done. He's only just turned one so I'm sure I'm going to pick up a lot more treasured possessions along the way.

11.) describe yourself in five words.
Happy, determined, caring, friendly, emotional (babies bloody break you and I was bad enough to begin with!)

Now its your turn! I nominate:
Amanda at Niescior's Notes
Leighanne at Bump and Beyond
Crystal at Crystal Says
Tanya at Polka Dots and Cups of Tea
Dani at Heavy In The Day
Carol at Flitty Chick
Katy at Modern Mummy
Gemma at Sunshine On A Cloudy Day
Debbie at Super Busy Mum

My 11 questions to you lovely lot are:
1. How long have you been blogging?
2. Do you have any pets?
3. Is there anything that you would like to have achieved by the end of 2014? Doesn't have to be a big thing!
4. If you had to eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
5. Are you passionate about anything in particular? It can be a topic or hobby, anything!
6. Any there any bloggers that you would love to meet?
7. Do you have a favourite TV show?
8. What is your pet peeve?
9. What do you enjoy most about blogging?
10. Do you have any advice for new bloggers?
11. What was the last book that you read?

Make sure you send me a link so I can read your answers. Have fun, I certainly did!

Image and video hosting by TinyPic


  1. absolutely adorable! Thank you!

  2. Love your answers! Lindsay from Newcastle Family Life also nominated me and my answers are here xx

  3. what lovely answer's was nice to learn a bit more about you xx
