Monday 2 September 2013

Sleep deprivation

I think sleep deprivation is one of the hardest things I've dealt with while being a single mum - the having nobody to share the night shifts with. 
Sprout will sort his sleep routine out, sleep through for a while, allow me to become accustomed to it then BOOM it's all over.  :-) 
Just recently he has taken to rolling back to front while sleeping. He finds himself on his tummy, has a meltdown about not wanting to be there & then it takes ages to settle him again. He cannot roll front to back just yet so it's a mummy job every time. I'm assuming its something I'm going to have to ride out but boy am I exhausted. 
I'm off to drink a litre of coffee & hope for the best. :-)

@latte_fiend on Twitter

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