As a single mother, I can definitely concur with this, assuming that they're not counting once the babies are in bed?
From the moment I wake until the moment I put the little man in bed it's all go go go. Baths, cooking, nappy changes, mum & baby groups, library visits, grocery shopping, cleaning, playing with baby, reading to baby, daily walk to get fresh air, popping in to check on elderly relatives & so on.
I don't resent this though. This is what I signed up for & while some days are exhausting I wouldn't have it any other way. As the baby grows up I will inevitably have more & more "me time" & I'm not sure that I'll be ok or happy with that option.
My "me time" comes in the evenings. Little man goes to bed at 7.30pm. I spend the next hour cooking myself a bite to eat, tidying away toys, dishes etc. Once that's done I spend a few hours doing things for me - a glass of wine, a hot bath, trashy tv, catching up with friends & passing time on various social networks.
Realistically, I probably do get more than 17 minutes "me time" a day but it's still down in the low numbers. I just try to use my time efficiently during the day because time to myself in the evenings means more to me than a snatched few minutes during the day.
If you're a mum, how much "me time" do you think you get?
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