Thursday, 27 February 2014

Some people's experiences put things in perspective.

I really hope Jacob (@JacobBenGray) doesn't mind me posting this. If he does then let me know Jacob and I'll remove it immediately.
I can't remember why I first came across his profile on Twitter or what made me feel compelled to follow him, but I hit the follow button and that's all she wrote as they say.
I don't know him and only know what I know through tweets exchanged and those on his timeline. If I remember correctly he has spent about 14 months in hospital and is still there now.
Because of meningitis/meningococcal septicaemia he has had both of his feet amputated and is currently awaiting his new feet. Jacob will then have to learn to walk again. I'm sure I'm only scratching the surface. He's on a long road to recovery and as if that isn't enough to deal with, he tweets his journey for others to read. His journey shows just how necessary vaccination against meningitis is! I've read along the way that certain MPs feel that the meningitis B vaccination isn't cost effective. Surely a simple vaccination is much more effective that kids needlessly dying or spending over a year in hospital?! Seems like a no-brainer to me.
He feels that one voice will never be heard but I urge you to give him a wee follow. He's educating, giving a real, genuine insight into his experience. This is the side that we never hear about.
I wish him all the best in his recovery.

Much love. xx

@latte_fiend on Twitter.

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