I know a lot of blogs are about gaining followers etc. If this happens at some stage, great. If not, well I'm using this as somewhere to put my thoughts & feelings. I think it will be interesting to look back in a few months (or years!) and see how far I have come as a person.
As I said, I'm a single mummy. When I found out I was pregnant I was in the process of splitting from my ex. It's a long story but he was bad, bad, BAD news. He decided that parenthood wasn't for him & so it's just me & the gorgeous one on this wonderful but crazy rollercoaster called parenting. :-)
Before I gave birth I panicked about so many things. Would I be enough for Sprout? Would I cope financially? How will I manage without having someone there to lend a hand? So many things! I gave birth & while its been hard at times, I've done it! We have our routine. We take each day as it comes & I've adopted the attitude that as long as we're both fed, clean, loved, warm & dry then everything else will be a breeze....hopefully. :-) If the cleaning has to wait because we're having a cuddle day then it waits. Simple as that. It doesn't mean I live in squalor, don't worry. ;-) It just means that I've prioritised & housework isn't top of that list. There will be plenty of time to be a Suzy Homemaker but I'll never get this time with Sprout back again, so I know what I chose! :-)
That's all for now...x
@latte_fiend on Twitter